Thursday, January 21, 2010

Journal Entry #4 or 5

It wasn't so bad, the trip home. The truth is I was completely distracted from my normal anxious thoughts by thinking more about what I wanted to write next for the course. Especially how to write the next thing including all the suggestions made.
It was a nice change not to be worrying the whole ride back. I listened to some music, put my hand out the window (only for a second though) and fell into a dream land of literary possibilities.
At the moment, I thought I might take a aimless drive and listen to my new stress-relieving CD. However, I've a time limit, which goes hand in hand with relaxation, don't you know? My mom will be home soon from working at KidsPeace all day. I need to be on time for my lectures about smelling like cigarettes, and using her computer without permission. That said, what am I doing wasting my time? Ursula will slime across the floor any second.


johngoldfine said...

Ursula? Pet snail?

Take suggestions with a grain of salt. Read them, think about them, then sort of semi-forget them for a while. I'm giving you reactions not orders.

Alexandra said...

Ursula the Sea Witch. Squids are slimy, ever eaten one?

johngoldfine said...

Calimari?--sure, but I prefer them off the plate, not on the floor.