Friday, January 22, 2010

A Great Feat

Who knew such a sluggish morning would begin this parade of a day? Dreaming about John deserting me for another woman wasn't the ideal thing to awaken from. Although, as opposed to most mornings, I was happy to wake up that my dreams were not reality.
After the morning hygiene routine, I sat down contently in front of my laptop and completed my daily analysis of Facebook, Blogger, and Blackboard. About that time, my stomach became demanding and I grabbed an apple to satisfy it's orders. Whilst munching this fruit, I came upon a Japanese horror flick being shown on Netflix and watched only half before vowing not to eat during this movie ever again.
Then it was time for Mrs. Barbara Reeves, my savior, I mean psychiatrist, and I to have a meeting. Not much came from the meeting this time, seeing as I haven't been committed to the progressive muscle or breathing relaxation exercises she recommended I do. On the other hand, the meeting did give me confidence to go to the grocery store, Mainely Music, and the Hancock Library. I did this all on my own without a twitch in the neck or one shortened breath. The parade that I had written of earlier stems from the comfort and bliss I feel to realize recovery is possible!

1 comment:

johngoldfine said...

Classic journaling--a graceful mix of the daily, the personal, the ordinary, the veiled, and the clear.